HALO Clinic Services

At HALO Clinic, we offer a wide range of treatments, modalities, and services that are designed to meet the needs of every adult, child, or senior that comes into our clinic. Our team of healthcare professionals specialize in providing personalized rehabilitation therapy that acts to assist in achieving your physical goals.

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Our Chiropractor, Dr. Janmohamed, has experience treating a variety of patients including parents, workers, athletes, children, and seniors to assist them in moving and feeling better.

Doctors of Chiropractic are specifically trained to diagnose, treat and recommend options to relieve pain and restore mobility so people can lead healthy active lives.


Whether you are experiencing muscle soreness, tightness, or general stress, our massage therapists can help you relax and leave your appointment feeling rejuvenated!

Massage therapy is an effective approach to relieve pain, improve circulation, reduce stress, enhance immune function and create a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Advantages of Coming to HALO Clinic

Personalized Treatment
A custom treatment plan tailored to your specific condition and needs.
Welcoming Environment
HALO clinic offers a comfortable and supportive health centred environment.
Licensed Practitioners
All practitioners are licensed and in good standing with professional associations.
Practitioners Network
We work as part of your extended health care team to meet your goals.
Experience Staff
Our therapists are trained and certified in multiple approaches to help you.
Therapy Goals
We focus on patient specific functional goals to help you achieve your optimal lifestyle.
Regardless of if your condition was caused by a sport, work, an accident or otherwise, every practitioner holds the knowledge, education, and experience to assist you in your recovery and management process.

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