Soft Tissue Injuries and Healing

In the clinic, I consistently see people who are trying their best to be healthy. This is represented in healthy food choices, a focus on sleep, and a conscious effort to exercise. Despite our best efforts injuries still happen, and we still suffer breakdowns in our health.

One of the injuries that we see often is soft tissue Injury. This includes damages to muscles, tendons and ligaments, which may occur as a result of trauma or repetitive strain. Both are significant in their impact and outcomes in our personal pursuits of health.

Traumatic tissue injuries are impactful and affect our daily lives. These happen from accidents sports injuries, slips, falls and other accidental ways. Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs) occur when we perform a similar activity repetitively, we don’t rest properly, we do too much or do not naturally use the soft tissue.

Regardless of the injury is Traumatic or RSI in origin, the healing process is similar.

Acute Stage – The acute stage starts at the time of injury and lasts about 10 to 14 days. This is when the body is responding to the perceived damage. Sometimes also called the inflammatory phase, the body floods the area with blood, and immune cells to promote healing. Acute trauma often presents as red, swollen or bruised areas of tissue. Whereas RSI presents with tenderness and swelling in the area. During this stage, more severe injuries are diagnosed due to their severity at onset.

During the acute stage seeking care from a qualified health practitioner such as a Chiropractor is essential. Proper and differentiated diagnosis is critical for long term outcomes. This includes physical examination, diagnostic testing as indicated and initial care to relieve the pain and stabilize function.

Improper care or diagnosis in the Acute Stage will promote decreased healing over time.

Subacute or Relief Stage – The subacute Stage starts at about 10 to 14 days and goes for about 6 weeks. By this time the body is well on its way to recovering from the injury. Your immune cells have rebuilt or are rebuilding the tissue, and you have or are regaining use of the affected tissue.

Working with your Chiropractor during this stage will yield better long term results. The idea is to continue to increase mobility while keeping the injury stable.

Rehabilitation Stage – This stage starts at about 6 weeks and goes until the involved tissue is healed. During this stage of healing, we are concerned about strengthening and supporting the systems that were previously compromised and trying to prevent a return of symptoms.

This stage is directly proportional to the blood supply of the tissue. For example, highly vascular muscles heal faster than ligaments that are less vascular. Muscles will complete this stage around 6 to 9 months. Tendons will take 9 to 12 months, and Ligaments can take 12 to 18 months.

Working with a Chiropractor or Massage Therapist at this stage will help to ensure a complete recovery. The clinical goal here is to maximize function and reduce tissue scarring and adhesion. This combination provides the best outcomes.

Life should not hurt. We are here for you 100%.

Benefits of Soft Tissue Massage

Benefits of Soft Tissue Massage 

by Christine Webb RMT

There are numerous health benefits achieved when receiving a soft tissue massage.

It is far more than self-indulgence; it is a brilliant health investment in you.

Soft tissue massage includes a range of massage depths, pressure and duration, working to relieve tension in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.

Many health insurance plans cover massage therapy as a result of its recognized benefit to overall health

Even the gentle, soothing nature of Swedish style massage with long flowing strokes and pressure that is “just right” vs forcefully deep, helps to reduce the damaging effects of the stress hormone Cortisol.

Benefits Include:

Decrease Muscle Pain

Soft tissue massage is an effective way to alleviate muscular pain. 

When long hours at work start creating pain, regular massage treatments can help counter the effects of stress, sleep loss and long hours on the computer. The good news is the absence of pain makes it easier for you to be productive at work and happier at home too.

Improves Circulation

Massage brings helpful circulation to damaged, stiff or tense muscles, providing them with the abundant blood supply they need to promote healing. Massage also improves lymphatic flow and strengthens your immune system.

Decrease Muscle Tension

Many aspects of current life can be stressful. We often hold that stress as tension in our body, resulting in pain and discomfort which then causes further stress!

Our neck, shoulders and low back are common stress/pain areas. Massage therapy is a natural, pleasurable and time effective way to deal with this.

Relaxation, i.e. absence of muscle tension is essential for one’s well being. Stress in people’s lives is on the rise. With regular soft tissue massage, you can relax your body and your mind.

Reduced muscle tension promotes deeper longer sleep.

Even the Mayo clinic recognizes that sleep quality issues can be helped by massage therapy.

Mental Health

Mental Health has become a topic of global awareness. Reducing stress and anxiety becomes part of the solution.

The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry published a study highlighting that massage decreased depression and anxiety, and increased happiness.

Furthermore, pain can be a trigger source of anxiety, hostility, tension, and depression. Consistent massage sessions can help alleviate this.


Headaches are often related to neck and shoulder muscle tension. Massage therapy is a proven way to help relieve neck and head pain. Water intake is an often-overlooked part of headaches as well. Eight glasses a day is the base recommendation


Preventative care is the best way to maintain your emotional and physical well-being.

We look forward to having you become a regular receiver of massage therapy and its many benefits.

Functional versus Pathological

Today we here the word ‘functional’ about many concepts in healthcare;

Functional Medicine
Functional Neurology
Functional Fitness
Functional Health

Medicine and healthcare are in the middle of a paradigm shift where patients no longer want a pathological perspective. This model is the idea of waiting and surveying for a disease to show up.

We see patients wanting a holistic view of their complex health conditions. That is why we have shifted our diagnostic methods to focus on physiological markers of health.

The old model is waiting for the presence of diseased tissue, cell change or disease markers.


1. The body is a “machine” composed of separate systems reduced into constituting parts.
2. Emphasis focuses on the identification of disease and pathological tissue change.
3. Diagnosis is extremely specialized.
4. Treatment intention is the reduction or ‘management’ of symptoms.
5. The health of the individual utilizes comparison of their disease markers against charts, statistics and test results to a “normal population.”
6. Relies on established disease patterns or pathological markers to make a diagnosis.
7. Health metrics consist of disease absence. As long as someone does not have a condition, then they are considered healthy.


1. The body is a dynamic, complex interconnected system of mind, body, and emotions.
2. Emphasis focuses on the imbalance or dysfunction in normal physiology.
3. Diagnosis integrates information from many different systems and methods.
4. Treatment addresses the underlying sources of disease and dysfunction.
5. The health of the individual considers subjective and objective information based on optimal physiological function for that individual.
6. Early prediction of dysfunction allows initial treatment and prevention of further breakdown.
7. Health metrics based on a continuum, within the spectrum of health to disease. Intervention can be applied at every stage of the range to restore or improve health and wellness.

In practice, this means that a Functional Practitioner considers beyond the concept of disease (whether your tests are normal or abnormal), into what is optimal.

Functional Practitioners assess health based on physiological markers such as your blood values, emotional health, fitness and movement present.

We do not have to wait to be sick, weak or dying to get the health care we need. We use functional assessments all the time to improve and restore the health of our clients.

We are here for you 100%.

Life gets healthier!

Beautiful or Just Not Ugly?

Years ago I heard a speaker use provocative questions to engage the audience.

Would you rather be smart or just not dumb?
Would you rather be beautiful or just not ugly?
Would you rather be happy or just not sad?
Would you rather be successful or just not a failure?
Would you rather be loved or just not ignored?
Would you rather be healthy, or just not sick?

The logic seemed simple as I listened. The speaker craftily pointed out that we should embrace what we want instead of avoiding what we do not want.

Often our actions in life and health are based on avoiding things we do not want.

I don’t want to be lonely.
I don’t want to seem stupid.
I don’t want to be fat.
I don’t want heart disease like my father.
I don’t want diabetes like my brother.
I don’t want to be sick.

Instead of embracing the ideas of not wanting bad things, we should start to embrace the ideas of what we do want.

I want to experience love and connection.
I want to be informed and intelligent.
I want to be healthy, lean and fit.
I want to have endless energy.
I want to be healthy

What do you want?

Dr. Suess wrote in his book “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!”.

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”

Not sure where to start?

Life and Health can be great; they do not have to be ‘just not hard.’

Life Should Not Hurt.

We are here for you.