What is Cupping?
Cupping is an ancient modality deriving from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through using silicon or plastic cups, the practitioner performing cupping creates a suction between the cup and skin which stimulates a greater healing process as new blood is brought to the site of injury.
Static vs Dynamic Cupping
Your practitioner will commonly switch between using static and dynamic cupping depending on the condition and desired outcomes.
Static cupping means that once suction has been applied to one area, the cup will remain in place for a set duration of time determined by your practitioner. This form of cupping results in the circular bruise-like marks commonly seen on individuals that have received this treatment. This increases blood circulation over a specific area and is great for stimulating acupuncture or trigger points on the body.
Dynamic cupping means that the practitioner will apply suction and glide the cup around the affected area. This increases blood circulation over a greater surface area and is great for relieving larger muscles. Dynamic cupping may leave red marks along the skin but does not result in the circular bruise-like marks that static cupping creates.

Benefits of Cupping
- Improves blood flow and circulation
- Reduces pain and inflammation
- Helps with lymphatic drainage
- Decreases time of the healing process
- Clears stagnant energy in the body
- Promotes detoxification and decrease of muscular waste
- Myofascial relief
What to Expect After an Appointment/Aftercare?
The suction mechanism that cupping provides breaks tiny blood vessels (capillaries) under the skin causing circle shaped bruise-like marks. These marks gradually fade as time passes and typically only last 1-2 weeks. The marks resulting from cupping are not painful
After Cupping you may Feel:
- Fatigue/tiredness
- Muscle soreness
- Nausea
- Itchiness
- Hydration – drink plenty of water to flush out lymphatic system and toxins that have been moved around
- Rest
- Light movement and stretching
- Avoid caffeine, sugar, and processed meats for a few hours following your appointment
- Avoid heavy exercise immediately after cupping
- Muscle tightness or tension
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Headaches and migraines
- Arthritis – Rheumatoid arthritis
- Back or neck pain
- Hip or knee pain
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Eczema or psoriasis
- Epilepsy
- Skin conditions: open wounds, psoriasis, eczema
- Muscle dystrophy
- Varicose veins
- Cancer patients
- Organ failure
- Those on anticoagulants
- Pregnancy
- Pacemaker
- Sunburn